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Cindy Hamilton owns and operates Hamilton Therapy Services (Creative Expressions and Counseling Services, LLC) in Caldwell, NJ. She has worked with children, adolescents and adults in a variety of settings; including in-home therapy, in and out-patient programs, residential programs, public schools, a convalescent home and rehab facility, and private clinics. She served on the New Jersey Art Therapy Association (NJATA) board as a student and professional, and was on the board of the NJ Counseling Association’s Creativity in Counseling Division. She is an active member of the American Art Therapy Association and the American Counseling Association. Cindy enjoys providing workshops and has presented on topics such as: using art therapy in schools, working with special needs children in the schools, and collaborating art and music therapy in the Autistic classroom. Cindy was an adjunct professor at Caldwell University for several years and is now an adjunct professor for Kean University. She is currently the clinical supervisor at the Mary Jo Rolli Codey Center.     



BA in Art Therapy, with a Minor in Italian Cultural Studies at the University of Connecticut 

MA in Counseling Psychology with an Art Therapy Specialization at Caldwell College

Teacher Certification/Alternate Route- Art Education, K-12


Licensed Professional Art Therapist in NJ, Lic. # 16LP00004500

Licensed Professional Counselor in NJ, Lic. # 37PC00471800

Registered and Board Certified Art Therapist, Lic. # 09-215 from the Art Therapy Credentials Board (National Accreditation) 

Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

Art Therapy Certified Supervisor (ATCS)

Disaster Response Crisis Counselor (DRCC)

NJ Certified Teacher of Art, K-12



​"I have always loved listening to people’s stories. From a young age, I remember people talking to me and telling me about everything in their the grocery store, at the park, in the line at coffee shops...and I was so honored to hear all of these stories. I have also always loved to make art, whether it was creating sandcastles and sea creatures at the beach, doodling on scrap paper, or sculpting pots out of clay. My love of listening and creating art brought me to art therapy. I found out how amazing it is, and want to spread its healing power to others."


Let's Connect!

Cindy Hamilton

Phone: 908-838-4810


307 Bloomfield Ave.

Suite 301

Caldwell NJ 07006

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